
August 11, 2013

Easy scratch Mac &Cheese

I can't remember the last time I had box Mac and cheese. Growing up my mom always made a big batch from scratch and with the exception of maybe having it at a friend's house I never ate the kraft kind until my hubby and I started living together and he thought it was a staple for the pantry. We ate it for a while but I'm not sure I ever really acquired a taste for it. The best way to make real Mac and cheese is to make the cheese sauce and add it to cooked noodles, but that requires one of two things, either you use two pans or you cook the noodles then put it in a dish so you can use the same pan to make your cheese sauce to dump on top of your noodles. Since I'm working with one hand most of the time I'm getting food ready I opt for the one pot easy way.

2cups noodles (1/2lb)
2cups milk
1Tbsp butter
1/4 tsp salt and pepper (each)
1 tsp ground mustard (or sweet paprika)
1-1/2 to 2 cups fresh grated cheese

Mix all but the cheese in a pot and bring to a soft boil. Reduce heat to simmer and let it cook till the pasta is al dente (like 8 minutes). Stir occasionally so the noodles don't stick together. When the pasta is done turn off the heat and stir in the grated cheese. Cover and let the cheese melt.

Don't get to stuck on only using cheddar adding just a bit of other cheeses really amps up the flavor.

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