
July 20, 2011

Lime Sorbet

I got a ton of limes form the bountiful baskets a few weeks ago and I just had no idea what to do with them. We will use one here or there but 20 lime? I just had to figure out something. So I finally decided on something, Lime sorbet.

And I don't even have an ice cream maker. Hence sorbet not sherbet. I figured it would be easier to just work with, mostly frozen, flavored water and some time in the future I'll attempt the creamy frozen milky-ness.

Honestly, it took less work than I thought and it turned out pretty good. I wouldn't quit my day job (bu dum bum chush) but i'll do it again with other flavors i'm sure.

Lime sorbet

squeeze the juice out of 5 limes (about 1/2 cup) and get the zest from 2 or 3 of them
1 cup of sugar
1/8 tsp salt and
1-1/2 cups water
Mix together until sugar is completely disolved

Add 1 Tbsp vodka (or use rum to make it Magrarita Ice!)
the alcohol will help it be creamy and prevent it from freezing TOO much so you can still scoop it. If you want to omit the alcohol add 1/4 cup more sugar to help prevent it from freezing too solid.

Then all you have to do is put it in the freezer for at least 5 hours.
Make sure you mix it up every hour or so to help it all freeze and cream together nicely.


  1. Why aren't you sharing these with your friend? Sounds delicious!

  2. Maybe you need to invite yourself over to my house more ms busy pants! Ill give you a heads up next time I make it so you can comehave some. Im thinkin girls night soon (like sometime in august), dinner, dancing, movies.... one or all of the aformentioned :)
