Don't be scared of the fish, it's super easy and quick and lets be honest, how could you go wrong with some teriyaki salmon? Not possible. So get yourself a serving of the oh so important omega 3's
I like the frozen salmon you get at Walmart (it comes in an orange package, it's like 4-5 fillets for like $5 I think, and they are individually wrapped so you can make one at a time if you want to.) Just put them in the fridge in the morning and they should be thawed by dinner time.
Get out a cookie sheet and line with aluminum foil pour teriyaki sauce over fillets, flip 'em over and pour more on the other side. But if you want them to be really good have the fillets soak in the teriyaki sauce for at least 30 minutes.
Bake at 350' F. for 11 minutes. (A good rule of thumb for fish is 10minutes per inch of thickness)
And if you are feeling extra ambitious try this teriyaki recipe:
In a sauce pan on medium high heat mix together 1 cup water
1/4 cup soy sauce
3Tbsp brown sugar
1/2 tsp garlic
1/8 tsp ginger
Slowly add:
2 Tbsp cornstarch mixed with 1/4 cup COLD water. This is what thickens the sauce so stir constantly for about 1 minute to determine how thick the sauce is and adjust to your tastes. (never put cornstarch straight into anything warm it will just clump up instead of thickening the whole sauce.)
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